Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 15 - Last Change

These are the last days of class and here we are, hopefully smarter then we were when we started.  I know I have learned a great deal in this class.  Online was a great way to take this class for me because I could learn as everyone else wrote about their experiences, and hopefully they from mine, and didn't have to wait until the next class to ask my question (which inevitably turned into another question once I applied the knowledge).  I'm still in the same space in Web 2.0 but I've added a bit to my arsenal.

There are a lot of things I was scared about trying in this class.  I live in my own little computer literate box that I'm comfortable in...Lisa made me break down a wall or two.  I learned I can do this, with a little guidance the internet is not such a scary place.

I will be taking two classes, haven't signed up yet so I need to get on that, communications and global perspective.  I'm working towards my associates then will work on the bachelors.  

I hope to make more posters, I already use picmonkey and will continue to use that, Animoto is awesome and will be used.  The animated GIF's will probably not happen again but you never know.

I had a great time in this class.  There was a lot of positive people pushing their way through and making it to the end.  Lisa, you've been wonderful.  From your hand holding in the beginning, encouragement throughout the semester, and MM-elt down...Thank you for everything, I feel empowered through this class.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week 14 - Remix

I have to agree with Kirby Ferguson:  Emprace the Remix!!!

I think all ideas stem from something that exists.  Whether it is to make it better or it's a new thing (song, product, invetion) taken from an old idea.

Lawrence Lessing: Remix.  Copyright idea's are outdated. Remixing = taking work and building on and adding value.  I'm sure there are deeper issues with this but it sounds simple enough, if you take something and add value to it it's then yours.  The original made money, you make money...all's good!!

Love Steven Colbert!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

week 13 - Generation "F"

Accusations of pregnancy for ex-partners, "complaining" about work &/or coworkers, finding  out someone you thought was a really good friend is 5 months pregnant and didn't tell you...

These are just a few of the ways that social media has impeded my workplace.  As none of these are good things and the "complaining" about work was met with disciplinary action, the impact has not all been good.

There are some good things that have come to the workplace as a result of social media, we are working on setting up a telemedicine clinic where PCP providers can consult via computer with pictures to specialist.  Some of the (#4 leaders serve rather than preside) consulting/learning for this process has happened through social media on the web.

As I read the article I found myself thinking that in the right environment (many places could be the right environment) web-based social values and generation "F" could work wonders.  No, they may not feel at home in a cubical but what if the cubical had a computer and, basically, as social network for the corporation.  Think of the ideas (#1 all ideas compete on an equal footing), the solutions to problems, the production that could happen when everyone is (#8: power comes from sharing information) putting information in and taking information out just to put more information in..

My partner used facebook to find a home for a very special four legger that had been hit by a car and was paralized.  We took him in and set him up with wheels and through his facebook page were able to find the perfect home for him. ( The magic of Marco ) I'm hoping that link works for those of you with a facebook account and want to take a look.

I think that web-based social values can be both good & bad.  There is a time and place for it.  Our clinic is patient based, the majority being patients coming in in person, this is not the time and place for social media.  There could be a place in our organization for web-based social values as talked about in the article.  Development and planning as we grow as an organization.  I think this may have helped prior to implementing our electronic health records and perhaps made it a smoother transition.  I think most organizations could benefit from Generation "F" if they are given the chance to work their way.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 12 - The Long Trail

I never knew there was an official name for this.  I use this all the time on Amazon.  When I order books for my kindle I will order something known to me then search through the "other people that ordered this also ordered".  I have found many books that I would never have read if not for this.

I also use this on other sites when ordering toys for my son, clothes or gifts for anyone.  I choose something they have and know they like and look at the suggestions that come up.  I think this is a great feature.  I really never gave much thought to the overall effect of bringing about older or obscure, books, music or movies.  I think people, publishers etc, would be trying to figure out how to get their products attached to the popular items to advertise them, so to speak.  I wonder if this is happening and how that would change the data we look at?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Week 11 - Podcasts

I am not a fan!!!

Okay, I got that out of my system.  Let me start by saying I am an INTROVERT (I learned this in my HRM class this semester).  I reenergize with quiet alone time (QUIET).  I work in a hospital with over 20 people in my office and another 15 in our other office on the opposite side of the hall 2 floors up.  There are patients, employees and volunteers in the hallways if I walk from one site to the other.  I have a 5 year old a partner and 2 dogs (also neighbors that like to socialize)  I do enjoy all this, but...I do not need nor want anyone talking at me from or about a podcast.  Now, to be fair, this has nothing to do with the podcast and everything to do with me (don't hate the podcast).

I thought I had it figured out this week, I always struggle with the research part of this class.  I downloaded the podcast app to my cell and was all set to listen on my way to and from work.  Well, after downloading the app on Sunday evening, I forgot to listen Monday.  Tuesday on the way home I remembered to look it up and set one to start before I left work, forgot to hit play when I got to the car.  Wednesday I did listen on the way to work, for about 1/10th of a mile.  All I kept thinking was "why is this person talking at me".  Wednesday I was determined to find one I could listen to.  I found Mighty Mommy's and I got through it. I guess after you get through the first chit-chat or non-scripted stuff they actually do say some things.

I will admit I did better with the video podcasts because I had something to watch while I listened but still not a huge fan.

Now we know!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Take it on the Road - Week 10

Here is my Take it on the road video.  It took a couple of tries to get it but this is where it ended up.  I used my Iphone to take the video clips and iMovie to create the video.  The hard part came after I had the video set up in iMovie I couldn't remember the next step, so I played around with it until I was completely frustrated then went to fold laundry.  When I came back I remembered we had to post it to youtube first then take the embeded code and put it into our blog...I win!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vlogging week 09

This week we created vlogs to post on our blogs.  It was an interesting process.  I had a really hard time  picking a topic.  When I finally came up with something on Wed. I was called by the school nurse and picked up my son with a fever.  Life...always challenging.  So my assignment is late but my son is feeling better.

Taking the video was not hard, I chose my Ipad which I'm not sure was the best choice because of the weight but did offer the best resolution.  It didn't turn out to shaky so I'm happy with that.  Then came to using my Imove which I have never used...watched the tutorial...but it still took about 30 minutes to figure out how to get the video to the imovie folder.  There was "dead space" in the video where Jen was just filling the feeder and I was didn't have anything to say so I edited out a section in the middle.  I added a title page and credit page, again it took awhile to figure out how to put in what I wanted it to say, but again...I won.  The rest was okay, I got it onto youtube and now the final test...can I get it to my blog.
